I started thinking the other day about this past year and all that we were blessed with. Then I started thinking back about the past few years. Then I thought about where I was this time ten years ago. I asked myself if I would have believed someone back then if they had told me where I would be today.
This led me back even farther; back to twenty years ago. 1991…I was a junior in high school. My biggest concerns were boys, driving, and my job at the local pizza parlor. I really had no idea of the “real world”, but I was the smartest person on earth (I have come to realize that I am smart enough to know that I am not the smartest person in the world. Don’t tell my mom that she was right!)
Little did I really know what the world had in store for me. Before I go any further, I must state that I would not change any of my decisions. Making one slight alternation would potentially change the outcome of where I am today. I would still take all the good times, and the bad times, in order to end up here. I do have a few regrets, but they are pretty much about not taking the opportunity to say things to people that should have been said. Not letting people know how much they meant to me or how they changed my life.
Between the years of 1991 and 2001, I would:
Graduate from High School
Become an aunt.
Get married.
Become an aunt, again.
Go back to college, get divorced, graduate from college.
Go on an amazing, life-changing adventure to find myself.
But by the end of the decade, I would end up alone at the age of 27, with no job, and sleeping on a roll-away mattress in the corner of my best friends bedroom.
I was having a hard time finding anything to be happy about.
Stay tuned for the next decade….
what a great post! some horrendous wardrobe choices but a great post none the less!