Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Brunch


I hope you had a great weekend!  It’s nice to get together again.  It’s been a busy week, but we took a little time to relax this weekend.  I won’t bore you with the work stuff from this past week.  It’s our Sunday, let’s not talk shop.

Scott and I decided that we would get away for a few hours this weekend.  We headed up to the Pinehurst Inn for dinner and a night’s stay.  I love going up to the Pinehurst.  It’s only 25 miles from our house, but it might as well be 250.  It takes about 45 minutes to get there because the road is very curvy.  Plus, it’s been snowing off and on the last few weeks and there were still patches of ice on the road.

Our plan was to just sit and enjoy the quiet.


That’s exactly what we did.  It was a slow weekend and there were only three other couples staying.  I love that they seat everyone for dinner at different times so that you feel like you are the only table eating.  We had the best London Broil with a red wine mushroom gravy.


It would snow off and on throughout the day.  It was so nice to just sit by the fireplace and read my book. 


Scott’s not really the type to just sit and do nothing.  He wandered around the house taking pictures.  He did some work on his computer.  He even took his turn playing the piano that the Innkeeper Donnie plays for everyone after dinner.

It was nice to get away, but nobody came by and did the laundry or any of the household projects.  It was back to reality as soon as we got down off the mountain.

Oh, in case you were wondering, I have an update on the infamous “shoe of the month” pair of shoes that I ordered a month ago.  I told you last week that they got lost at the post office.  Surprisingly, they showed up in a post office package box on Tuesday.  No explanation as to where they had been for almost two weeks.  The only thing written on the box was “3/10”, the date the post office received them.  Needless to say, I have the shoes now and I absolutely love them!  Now, we just need some nice weather so that I can wear them outside of the house.

Well, another weekend is over and Monday is looming in the near future.  There is still laundry to be folded and things to be put away before the week starts.

See you next Sunday!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday Brunch

I am so glad that we get to spend the last day of winter together enjoying a warm cup of coffee.

coffee cup

Notice the sunshine in your cup?  According to the weatherman, we won’t be seeing this anytime soon around here.  We are now in the pattern of snow in the morning, rain in the afternoon, and just plain cold at night.  The grass isn’t sure whether to take the time to turn green yet, or wait another week.

How was your week?  I spent part of the week by myself, as Scott went to visit Nick and check out his potential new house.  It’s a pretty big moment when you buy your first house.

It was a busy week for me, and after getting back from several days of travel, Scott and I decided that we were going to take Saturday off and do nothing.  That’s exactly what we did, nothing.  We figured out how to watch the Netflix through the Wii, so we caught up on a bunch of shows and movies that we didn’t even realize we were missing.  It was so nice to spend the day together, doing nothing.  Those kinds of days are few and far between.  You know how that goes?  How life somehow gets to moving so fast that you feel guilty about taking a little time for yourself. 

Remember a few weeks back when I talked about joining the shoe of the month club?  I ordered my first pair of shoes and waited for them to come.  Hmm, how do I explain what came of that?  Maybe it’s just best if I show you.


So here is the very long story short.  My shoes actually arrived at the Post Office.  The lady at the Post Office swears she put them in package box #6, along with my Amazon book order, and then put the key in our mailbox.  Yeah, that is not what happened because the only thing in box #6 was my Amazon order.  After Scott went to the Post Office twice, several phone calls back and forth, and the lady asking me a half dozen ways if I got the box with the shoes in it, and me answering her “no” every different way she asked, we have reached the conclusion that there is nothing I can do about getting my shoes.  Somewhere in this little town, someone is wearing these right now, I just know it!  To be completely honest, at this point it’s not about getting the shoes, it’s about proving to the lady at the Post Office that I never got these.  My hope is that someone will be nice enough to return them to the Post Office.  It’s been over a week, so I am thinking that it isn’t going to happen, but a girl can hope.

What do you have on tap for this week?  I have a couple of long days and late nights scheduled at work.  No Spring Break around here.

I hope you have a great first week of Spring.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Brunch

Wow, has it really been a week since our last Sunday together?  Why does it feel like time is moving so fast?  If we had met for brunch today, I would ask you if you have any tips for slowing down and enjoying every moment.

This week I spent most of the time at work alone.  The other girls were out doing other stuff, which left me by myself to hold down the fort.  I actually had some time to sit down and work on projects that needed a time commitment.  I enjoyed the time, but I am looking forward to having someone to talk to again.

I also spent most of the week not feeling good.  I never ended up going to the walk-on clinic, so I don’t actually know if I had anything official, but it sure felt like it for a couple of days.

A couple of weeks ago, a woman from my hometown passed away suddenly.  It has brought up a lot of memories and it was important for me to go to her memorial service yesterday.  It was good to see people that I hadn’t seen in a really long time and to be back in my old high school gym after 20-years of being gone.  Boy, did that bring back even more memories.

The traveling was definitely like Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.  Even though it was 65 degrees in Eugene, it was raining like a banshee.


Then there were signs that a windstorm had passed this way.


Hmmm, this might have been a pretty serious windstorm.


This guy was not so lucky.  Wait, by the looks of this, he was extremely lucky!  Check out the diameter of the tree that fell on the back of his car, which was completely gone.


Here’s a little bit of trivia for you.  Can you identify the object in the center of this picture?


It’s not exactly the angle you normally see one of these at.


Just in case the rain and the wind weren’t enough, the snow and ice made the adventure complete.


I am not sure I am ready to start another week.  Just think, by this time next week we will know who Brad picked to propose to.  If you don’t know what I am talking about, it just means you have a life on Monday nights. 

I wish you the best this week and I hope that the adjustment to losing an hour this weekend is quick and painless.  I just feel bad for everyone that has to deal with me.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Brunch

We meet again.  Unfortunately, I won’t be giving you a hug today.  I am not feeling up to par this weekend and would hate to pass this along.  Although, I am pretty sure that I was the lucky recipient from someone else.

I won’t be having coffee today.  I think that tea would be better for this sore throat.

cup of tea

Do you have a secret remedy for a sore throat?  I would gladly take any advice right now.  To add to the pressure of not feeling well is the fact that the other girls at work are off last week and this coming week.  That literally means that I am the only one at work.  Calling in sick is not an option.

So, tell me about your past week.  The weather here has been rainy which has made most of the snow disappear.  I love the rain.  I know it may sound crazy, but this is the weather that I grew up with.  I love to lay in bed at night and listen to the rain on the roof.  We only have a few really rainy days here.  Around here things slow down when it rains.  People decide not to go out because they might get wet.  Hmmm, snow doesn’t stop anything, but a little bit of rain and it’s all over.

I picked up my knitting again this week.  I love the fact that I can sit with my family and knit.  When I scrapbook, I am usually in the other room, away from everyone.  Knitting is portable and I can sit next to Scott on the couch and watch tv.  Pretty soon I look down and I have another scarf completed.  Now I just need to learn more than two stitches to shake things up.

Have you ever joined a “of the month club”?  You know, like cheese of the month, wine of the month, fruit of the month, book of the month….  Did you know that they have a “shoe of the month club”?  They do!!!  With a little encouragement from my coworker (thanks Kim), I am expecting my first pair any day.  I will be sure to share with you how this goes.

Last night we went to the local performance theatre to see One Night of Queen. 

one 1

As the name eludes to, it’s basically a cover band that performs the songs from Queen.  The lead singer definitely played out the Freddie Mercury role perfect.  The songs were great and we really had a good time dancing in front of our seats.

Well, I hope today is not any indication of how this week is going to go. I will definitely be calling it an early night and hopefully sleep is all I need.  I hope you have a wonderful week. I look forward to seeing next Sunday.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Time Well Wasted

If you ever wondered what sunrise around here looks like this time of year, wait no more.


This was yesterday’s sunrise, taken by Scott on his way over the hill to meet Scotty.

Scotty is working for the federal government.  He is loving what he is doing.  One downfall is that he is required to take a two-three week layoff this time of year.  This kinda reminds me of being a child and being told that you have to take a nap.  As a child, you don’t want to take a nap.  There is too much to do, too much to see, you’re not tired, etc., etc., etc.  But now, as an adult, there are days when I wish someone would tell me that I have to take a nap.  I am not sure that I would mind if someone told me that I had to take a two-three week layoff.  Sorry, I got a little sidetracked from the story.

Scotty’s big plans were to spend this time with his buddies fishing, running around in the woods, and just generally hanging out.  Unfortunately, these friends aren’t on their mandatory layoff.  They have to go to work.  Fortunately, Scotty’s dad has four days off each week.  Jackpot!


“Hey Dad, how would you like to get up at 5:00am and head over the hill to go fishing with me?”  Are you kidding me, Scott thought Scotty would never ask.  With a list a mile long of things to do on his day off, Scott headed out before sunrise.


A day on the river is never a wasted day.


Hamburgers for lunch cooked outside on a grill.


I debated about posting this picture.  If our dogs got wind that Scott and Scotty took another dog fishing, oh I don’t even want to imagine the attitudes they would get.  Scotty is staying at a friend’s house and they encouraged him to take their dog out for the day as well.  This picture will be our little secret.

The fish weren’t really biting on the river, but somehow I don’t think yesterday was about the fish.  Now, maybe if Scotty’s get really bored during this layoff he can come by the house and do some of those things on Scott’s list of things to do.