Hi there! Join me for a fresh cup:
How was your week? Were you able to get out and enjoy the sunshine at all this week. The sunshine is deceiving around here. It may be one of the famous “300 days of sunshine” we have around here, but we were lucky this week to get above 45 degrees. That doesn’t make it real welcoming to go for a walk after work. I know, excuses, excuses.
Don’t worry, I was able to get out to the lower yard a couple of times this week to do some history detective work. I am having so much fun finding bits and pieces of the past. At this rate, we will need to rent a backhoe next spring and really start digging. Scott says no, but he has to go to work, right. You would be willing to come help me. Heck, a backhoe can’t be that hard to drive.
I reached a milestone this past week. April 1st was my five-year anniversary at work.
On Tuesday, my crew at work presented me with my certificate and pin. It’s part of my job to coordinate everyone getting their pins, so it was enjoyable to watch the people that I work with try to figure out how to be sneaky when presenting me with mine. There are days that I really love the people I work with and this was definitely one of them. Thanks Kim for being sneaky!
You remember that movie Caddyshack? Remember how Bill Murray’s character spends the whole movie chasing after that gopher? We have our own version of this dilemma at our house; except it’s not a gopher, it’s a mole.
This mole has tormented Scott for several summers. He (the mole) has torn up our yard, and in a lot of places it feels like you are walking on a sponge. Every morning we look out to find another fresh mound somewhere in the yard. Do you have any idea how many ways there are to kill a mole? There is a whole aisle at the farm store dedicated to this task. The catch is that we have two dogs and a cat that frequent the same areas of the yard and we have to be extra careful that they don’t get hurt in the process.
Scott and Dusty are trying a new method for us.
They spent the afternoon burying these foot-long spikes all around the yard. These battery operated spikes omit sound waves that are guaranteed to scare the mole away. Obviously these sound waves weren’t keeping Mack away. He was more interested in seeing if he could get the boys to bury his toy.
After a brief conversation regarding the appropriateness of burying things in the yard and then digging them back up, Mack and Scott were on the same page. Now, we’ll see what tomorrow morning brings. Will there or won’t there be a new mole hill?
As a side note, my favorite “mole killer kit” at the farm store consisted of a hose. Yes, it was a fancy “guaranteed mole killer method” sold in this beautiful box with a dead mole on the front. The box literally contained a hose. The idea behind this method was that you stuck one end of the hose into the mole hill hole and the other end of the hose to the exhaust system on your car. Basically, you killed them with carbon monoxide. You know that someone just got rich off of selling nothing but a hose to a desperate man who would be willing to do anything to win the mole vs. man battle.
Where does the weekend go? How can it be that time to start planning for another week? I should be going. I have a turkey defrosting in a sink full of water and I really hope that we aren’t eating at 11:00pm tonight.
Have a great week and I will see you next Sunday.
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