Every August, our coworker (and friend) Vic spends a month at the coast fishing. He takes off with his camper and his boat, not to be seen again for a month. On his way out of town he always yells over his shoulder "hey, you guys should come over one weekend and we'll take you out fishing". This year, we decided to take him up on his invitation.
Eight years ago, right after we got married, we went to Brookings for a couple of days. Since then, we haven't been over to the coast. It's easily a five hour drive, from our house. Basically, you can't get there from here. Leaving here, we head north for 70 miles, only to make a sharp turn and head south for 100 miles, down into California, then one last turn north back into Oregon. There is no shortcut.
Once we entered California, we decided to take a side road and drive through more of the Redwoods.
Nothing makes you realize how small you are in this world as when you stand beside these giant trees.
If you look take a few minutes to look around, you can notice remnants of the past. I cannot begin to imagine men standing on platforms cutting these trees down the old fashioned way 100 years ago.
On the other side of the Redwoods, we came out in Crescent City. We spent more time then we planned in the Redwoods, and that caused us to miss the tour of this lighthouse due to the fact the tide came in and covered the path with water.
There was pretty much no way we were going to tour this lighthouse. There was more than six miles of water between us and the lighthouse.
We put it into overdrive and made record time from Crescent City to Gold Beach. This weekend was the annual Hospice Swap Meet. We had bargains on our mind. Don't worry, in a half hour, we managed to fill three plastic shopping bags and still only spend $10.50!
Gold Beach was beautiful the first day!
We were so happy to be at the coast and excited about our big fishing adventure on Day 2!
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