Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Project 366 - 2016

It's been four years since we completed our first Project 366.  Also known as Project 365, it's a photography project where the goal is to take a photo a day for an entire year, to document both the special events and the everyday life we live.  Being the overachievers that we are, we chose to do this for the first time four years ago, on a leap year.  We liked the idea of the one extra day for the challenge.

So when this year rolled around we decided to complete the project again.  We knew that this year would bring some pretty big changes in our life and this would be a good way to document those adventures.

The first four months of the year have gone by and we have successfully taken a photo a day.  I thought I would share some of these with you.

Day 1: The first sunrise of the new year.  Scott took this photo on his way to work.  In someways it represents not only a new day, but a new year and everything it holds for us.

Day 9: For almost 10 years these women of my bookclub provided interesting conversations, some hilarious moments, support through the good times and bad, but mostly they provided their friendship to me when I was new in town, never questioning or judging.  They are some of the best women I have ever known!

Day 13: One of the things I am most proud of was my career at Fire District No. 1.  I loved my job and the people that I worked with.  It sounds cliche, but they really were like a second family to me.  I never really believed that the "going away" lunch would ever be in my honor.

Day 23: What better way to start the great Alaskan adventure than with a four-day road trip with my sister.  Day one took us from Oregon to across the Canadian border.  The next three days would take us through the heart of Canada in January.

Day 34: Imagine one of these cargo containers holding pretty much everything you own in the world. 
Although I never had any doubt, it was a relief when the movers called to say our container had arrived and would be delivered to our house in a few days.

Day 41: Part of Scott's job is to attend training every Wednesday night.  Scott loves getting in with the crews and getting his hands dirty.

Day 51: Waiting for the rain to clear so that we could take our official "We've Moved" photo proved to be a lesson in patience.  Quickly figuring out it could be well into the summer before that happened, we threw on our raincoats and braved the storm.

Day 58: Living so far away from the ocean for so long, we can't seem to get enough of the beach.  I never thought my days would revolve around the tide table.  I can see beach combing becoming a new hobby.

Day 68: Yikes!  I like seafood as much as the next person, but this was not exactly what I pictured when Scott said he was bringing shrimp for dinner!  

Day 78: We went down to the boat landing today to see these two brothers off on their journey.  They are paddle boarding from Alaska to Mexico. We didn't know them, we'd never even seen them before that morning, but what they are attempting has never been done before and we wanted them to know that there is a community of people who are cheering them on.  You can follow their journey at http://www.northamericanpaddle.com.

Day 85: As the days get longer, we have started going out for a drive when Scott gets home from work.  We search for wildlife and new hiking trails, we talk about our day, but mostly we take the time to appreciate this adventure we are having.  I look forward to this part of the day.

Day 90: I told myself that I was not going to get sucked into buying all new house decorations.  We brought plenty with us.  We probably should have even downsized a little more before we came.  But when I saw this cast iron mermaid in the second hand shop downtown I knew she would make the perfect doorstop for our patio door.  She does her job just perfectly!

Day 99: The whole time Scott and I have been together, he has always worked shift work.  He was gone three or four nights a week.  This worked for us and I got used to having those nights to myself.  Now he works a regular 8-5 work week, which means he's home every night.  I really thought this would be our biggest struggle, but it's actually been a pretty easy transition for us.  For the first time since I got here, he had to travel for a few days for a work conference.  I was a little teary-eyed dropping him off at the airport ferry.  Watching him walk away, I already missed him.

Day 105: Technology is a great thing.  It has definitely helped us to stay more in contact with family.  Using an App on my smart phone I am able to "watch" my niece's softball games in realtime.  

Day 113: I was never that person who took my dog everywhere, but since moving here Mack and I spend a lot of time together.  When I go to town to go shopping or run errands I figure that he can either be locked up in his crate at home or he can go with me and stay in the car when I run into the store.  This will probably change when summer comes and it gets too hot to leave him in the car. 

So that's four months of our lives in a nutshell.  This project helps us to focus on each day.  We work together to figure out what we should take a picture of.  One of my favorite picture so far was on May 2nd, but you'll have to wait another four months to see that one!

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