Monday, October 14, 2013

40 x 40 - 8. Have a Monthly Date Night with My Husband (Part 2)

Welcome to part 2 of our year of Monthly Date Nights.  We left off with the month of December. 

The holidays are always crazy busy around our house.  Like everyone else, we have packages to mail all over the United States.  We travel a couple of hundred miles to get to spend some time with family. We celebrate my birthday.  We catch the Albany Ballet Nutcracker Ballet.  We usually end up having at least two Christmas dinners in order to get to celebrate with everyone.  Like I said, it's a very busy month.

We still managed to find time to squeeze in a date night.  For the past couple years we have enjoyed the local community holiday production. This year's production was the ever enjoyable Miracle on 34th Street.  (No, we did not see the John Denver Holiday Tribute.)

Dec 1 Edited

Did I mention how busy the month of December is?  We had tickets to the Friday night show, which also happened to be my birthday.  I also had tickets to the Sunday matinee with the girls from my bookclub.  And the Saturday in between, I would be driving up to Albany to catch my niece's ballet performance. 

We got to our seats and read through the program.  In small letters at the bottom of the last page, it said the performance was 3 hours long (not including the 15 minute intermission).  By the time we reached intermission, we were both so tired that we decided to call it a night.  I felt bad that Scott was not going to get to see the second half.  And, although I think he was secretly thankful we left, he has never let me forget that he only got to see the first half.  I did end up going on Sunday, and eventually saw the second half.

January's date night was another night out.

Jan 1 Edited

This time, Scott got to pick dinner and a movie.  All his choice.  I should tell you that we do not go to the movies.  Seriously in the 12 years that we have been together, I can count on one hand how many movies we have seen in the theater together.  And yes, all of those movies have been my choice.  I am pretty lucky that my husband will go along with me and my friends to sit in a room full of teenage girls and watch Twilight.  But this date night was all about him.  So of course he chose the one movie that I would never choose.  A shoot'em up, good cop, bad mayor movie.  I honestly could not tell you what the plot of this movie was as I simply sat there and watch Mark Wahlberg for two hours.  Mmm Hmm!  Not such a bad choice in the end.

Jan 2 Edited

Oh, and dinner.  We enjoyed a great meal at our local Applebee's.

Jan 3 Edited

February was another busy month.  The whole month got away from us before we were able to actually complete the date night.  So, if we are being honest, we actually did this one a few days late, on the first weekend of March.  (Don't worry, there is still a March Date Night!)

Feb 1 Edited

This was intended to be a Fondue dinner party with a few guests, but ended up just being the two of us.  Scott chose a beer cheese fondue recipe.  Two of his favorite food groups.  Beer and cheese.

Feb 2 Edited

Feb 3 Edited

Feb 4 Edited

Feb 5 Edited

This was fun, but definitely something that made more sense with a group. 

The winter months were harder to plan because of the holidays and not knowing what the weather was going to be like.  I promise you that the next few months will get a little more interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I love that the beer of choice is Keystone Light. hahaha. Let's have a fondue party!
